Reach your audience. Share your story. Grow your brand.

Trusted by 40+ businesses in the Lethbridge area.

Brand videos that make an impact.

Our goal is simple - to create a video for your business that powerfully introduces who you are and what you do to those that need to hear it.

Engage your target audience and allow your company to stand out in today's saturated market through a brand video.

Some of the successes we see through brand videos are...


Video has the power to captivate and engage viewers more effectively than other forms of content.

By incorporating a brand video into your marketing efforts, you can capture your audience's attention, hold their interest, and deliver your message in a memorable and impactful way.

This increased engagement can lead to higher conversion rates and improved brand awareness.


Brand videos are highly shareable and can reach a broader audience compared to other types of content.

People are more likely to share videos they find interesting, entertaining, or informative, which can help expand your brand's reach organically.

Additionally, brand videos can be easily viewed on various platforms and devices, making it accessible to a wide range of viewers.


Video can significantly boost your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

Search engines, like Google, consider various factors when ranking webpages, and video content is highly favored. By incorporating videos on your website or embedding them in relevant blog posts, you can increase the time visitors spend on your site, reduce bounce rates, and improve your overall SEO ranking.

of marketers say video has helped
them increase traffic.

*Source / Wyzowl’s The State of Video Marketing 2022 survey.



of marketers say video has helped
them directly increase sales.

*Source / Research Gate.

brand videos we’ve produced to help our clients drive growth

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Your Custom Financial Plan
Wedding film brand video
Night to shine 2023 video
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A word from some of the amazing
people we have been privileged to help.

After working with Presto Media a handful of times I can say it has been an absolute pleasure collaborating with Nigel and Mariah! Their careful attention to details and thoughtful creation of the digital content we need for our business are exceptional. They are very in tune with our needs every step of the way, providing stunning images as a result. I highly recommend Presto Media to any brand seeking growth through digital experiences.

- Deanna Kerr | CADO Developments

Nigel and Mariah were AMAZING to work with for our brand video! They spent hours going over plans, helping with the script and making sure every detail was meticulously cared for. The finished brand video far surpassed anything we had hoped for and we know it's going to go a long way to helping us connect with future clients. Thank you so much for all your hard work, your creative eye, and most of all, your friendship. If anyone is looking for commercial videographers, you need to chat with Presto Media.

- Jess | Lockstitch Financial

Our firm is very pleased with the work that Presto Media provides our company.  We have used their services for over 4 years and couldn't be more satisfied with their service and quality of work.  Nigel and Mariah Thiessen are one of the most pleasant teams to work with and they have such a positive attitude towards every project we pitch them.  They work hard to meet deadlines and capture the essence of our campaigns.  They work extremely well with the other members of our staff and marketing teams.

- Douglas J. Bergen & Associates

I have worked with Presto Media on several architectural photoshoots and I appreciate their professional manner and skill.  Nigel is a pleasure to work with and we've been very happy with the work he produces.

- Chandra Thiessen | Chandra Laine Design

I have worked with Nigel and Mariah on various jobs in the past. They are very talented and knowledgeable. They're the people to call for all your video and photography needs.

- Steven | Phase One Construction

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Drive growth.

Brand videos are one of the most engaging, and compelling ways to communicate, and drive growth in 2024.

Book a free, no-obligation discovery meeting with us today.

We will discuss this in greater detail, but give us a birds-eye view of what you'd like to accomplish.

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